Meetup ! Awesome!

Meetup brings people together in thousands of cities to do more of what they want to do in life. It is organized around one simple idea: when we get together and do the things that matter to us, we’re at our best. And that’s what Meetup does. It brings people together to do, explore, teach and learn the things that help them come alive.

For example, people run marathons, thanks to running Meetups. They write, thanks to writing Meetups. They change their careers, thanks to career Meetups. Because at Meetups, people welcome each other. They talk, help, mentor, and support each other – all in pursuit of moving their lives forward.

My first meetup will be “Computer Science Noobs” on 27th April 2017. After, I will write my experience! Now I need to read the 5th chapter of ‘Imposter’s Handbook’ by Rob Conery, in order to make the most of the discussion.

See you later! Bye!

Minha página pessoal no ar… :-]

Iai pessoal tudo bem ?

Então, resolvi começar a publicar todas as coisas que ando estudando, pensando e desenvolvendo .. começar a compartilhar com vocês todas as coisas que tenho aprendido ao longo deste tempo, vai deste linux, C, C++, algoritmos, Qt, QML, matemática, análise assintótica, tributação do ICMS, PIS, COFINS, regimes tributários brasileiros(simples nacional, lucro presumido e lucro real), e inúmeras outras coisas que forem aparecendo, afinal acredito que todos os dias precisamos chegar ao fim dele com alguma coisa nova apreendida. O cérebro precisa sempre estar ocupado com alguma coisa e de preferência que seja uma coisa muito boa! 🙂